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Accountant Records



Find documents based on what they are and not where they are.

Are you having some of the following issues with your documents and files:

  • Can not find the latest version of the document you need?

  • You can remember the subject of the document, but not where you placed it in the file share?

  • You want certain people to be able to view a document but not others even though they are the same document type?

  • You are keeping multiple copies of documents like I9's for auditing purposes?

Document Management can provide a solution to these and most of the issues you have with document control and access:

  • Documents are never lost

  • Easily retrieve based on "what" they are not "Where" they are

  • Labor costs are reduced

  • Security can be controlled and enhanced

  • Duplicate documents are detected and the user notified

  • Any type of file can be stored and managed: Word, EXCEL, PowerPoint, video, photos, voice recordings, AutoCAD, etc.

  • Web-enabled technology to retrieve or insert from anywhere

Our document management systems can meet your imaging needs, and an investment in a system will contribute significantly to increased efficiency and performance of your organization.

Free Initial Consultation

Call CIMS today set up an onsite product demo (256) 882-3370.

Links to a couple of Document Managemet posts or flyers.

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